Both Hands: A Rescue Mission

We haven’t written about our adoption in a while.  That’s because from an update standpoint, there really isn’t too much to share.  Our dossier has been in South Africa for 3 months now, and we haven’t heard anything yet.  And we don’t expect to for some time.  So during this time of waiting, we are trying to be content in our lives.  And by content I mean chase after two little boys!

While we wait, we are doing some pretty cool things to help raise funds to offset our adoption expenses.  And I want to share about one of them now.




This is an amazing foundation that has such a Biblical perspective of servanthood.  They encourage and equip us to be the hands and feet of Jesus, while raising funds for our adoption.

James verse

You can visit their website here.  There is a great video on the home page that tells all about what this foundation does.  Basically, this not-for-profit organization helps us plan a day where we serve a widow in our community that needs help on her house.  We get a group of our friends together and get all the supplies donated.  We go to her house for one day and fix it up.  A couple of weeks before the project, all of us send out support letters to our friends/family, asking them to sponsor us for the day.  All the money (every dime!) that is raised goes directly toward our adoption expenses.

This is a RESCUE MISSION for two people – the widow and the orphan.  A woman who desperately needs the help of young men and women to keep her house functioning, and an orphan who will soon become a Hanson and have a home and family forever.

We are so excited to announce that we have found the widow to serve!  And our project date is set for August 23rd!


We had our kickoff meeting a couple of weeks ago, and we have a core group of friends that are EXCITED about this project!  We even had people bring friends – people that we don’t even know well (yet!) that want to be on our team and work on this project alongside us!  We are so humbled to have such great friends that want to serve the Lord by serving those in need – and excited to make new friends through it all!  This is the Gospel in action, folks!

We will be sending out support letters the beginning of August.  If you know us personally, you will probably be getting a letter!  And if you don’t and would like one, please let me know!  We will likely post the letter on my blog for all to see, including instructions for sponsoring if you’d like.

More updates to come soon!



About truthsofablessedlife

Welcome to my blog! I am first and foremost a loved daughter of the Most High. I am a blessed wife to an awesome man who loves the Jesus above all else. I am also a Momma of 3 wild kiddos, who give each day a blessing in a whole new way. And when I have time I also work as a Nurse Practitioner on a casual basis. Our family has a special passion for family time, adoption, food, and thrifty DIY/home improvement projects and would love to share some of it with you! In fact, I love creating so much I have started my own little Etsy business!
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